Tag Archives: risks

Fear of a Risk

We live in a world where messages of the benefits of risk taking are constantly bombarding us. It seems every turn we take there is a new anecdotal tale or quote of the benefits of taking a chance.

Go big or go home.

In the end we only regret the chances we did not take.

Every risk not taken is a missed opportunity.

And on and on the list goes…but are all these words, meant to inspire, actually true? Is taking great risks the only way to reap great rewards? As I sit at my computer pondering this question that seems to be coming up more and more in my newly emerged adult life – I feel the need to really find an answer. 

Is it worth it to put yourself out there, be bold and vulnerable, for the chance of something you think you want? This week I have the opportunity to take a risk to do something that I have always wanted to do. In order to do this thing, I will need to put myself out there completely, risk humiliation and rejection. Even now, a few days away, I can feel the anxiety rising. Is it really worth it? I can hear all the excuses and reasoning in my head; the opportunity is too soon, I won’t have enough time to prepare, it is just not a good time right now, the commitment might be too much…on and on. So essentially, it is a big risk – is it a risk I am willing to take? How do I make that determination? Oh boy….here comes to pros and cons list…

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