Tag Archives: gym

Just Do It

Oh Nike. How can those three little words be so difficult?!

I want to go work out. Really, I do! Well… okay, no I really don’t, but I want to want to. Urgh!

Working out has never been something I looked forward to. Sure, after a good workout I feel great. I have a lot of energy, I feel productive, it gets my endorphins pumping – all that good stuff. But the motivation is harder to come by…for example, if I was going to go work out right now, I would have to get up off my bed, get dressed, drive to the gym, stretch, work out, stretch, shower, drive home, change clothes and then crawl back into bed and go to sleep. Seems like an awful lot of work for something I don’t really want to do in the first place.

But of course, I want to be fit. I have no desire to be super skinny or lose a bunch of weight, I am happy with how I look and feel comfortable in my body. However, being healthy and staying active are things that I like to say are important to me. It’s definitely true that talk is easier than action.

So I have set a goal for myself. It has nothing to do with numbers on a scale or calories in the food I eat – I just want to be active. I am going to take the stairs more often, park further away, and GO WORK OUT at least 2-3 times a week. Shouldn’t be hard, right?

I will start tomorrow.

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