Tag Archives: achievement

The Top of the Mountain

I have not posted in about a month because I have been busy completing graduate school. And now….drum roll please….I am officially done! I did it. I have reached the top of the mountain. In my short 23 years of life I have completed a high school diploma from a private, college-prep high school; I received a Bachelors in Social Work and a second Bachelors in Organizational Communication; and now I can add a Masters in Social Work to the list. All of this has required a lot of working multiple jobs, saying no to crazy parties, studying through sleepless nights and learning absolutely everything I could.

In terms of the wonderful metaphor – the mountain climb was long and hard, it required more than I had expected. It required additional tools and drive and sacrifices and motivation. There were some points in the climb where I almost decided to turn back or try again in a few years. There were times when I thought I was climbing towards an unachievable peak. But due to a few close friends and an amazing few family members; I persevered and am now on the top of the mountain.

Problem is, I am only 23 – I am on the top of a mountain, not the mountain. So what happens next? My mountain climb did not prepare me to answer this question. Do I go back down the mountain and find another one to climb? Do I stay at the top of the mountain and just set up camp for a while…how does this work? Why is achievement so complicated?

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